Thursday, January 27, 2011

100 % Solution for Sciatica, Slip Disk, Survical and Back Pain Without Operation

Sciatica and slip disk are two problems which makes the life of a person miserable, some of them even can't sleep at night. The problem in its first stage comes with aback pain and than going down to one of the leg, person suffering from these problem cant even lay down on his stomach. Doctors can only help with painkillers and anti infamatory madicine but in some cases these madicine doesn't work and the pain is so severe that it become difficult for the patient to atleast sleep. Most of the doctors suggests operation of spinal coard for these cases which is commonly not acceptable to the patient.
few months back there was a minor back pain in body as I am a young boy I ignored that pain and went for sleep. Next day the pain again came in the night and I used some pain relief cream for that. But next day pain was still there, till than I have full confidence that I am a young guy nothing is going to happen its a minor problem. But after few days I went to a doctor he did some x-rays of lower spine and said just some strees is there in the nerves and wrote some madicines, by having these pain was gone for few days but after a week it again came back than doctor suggested me to do the excercise of benting backward and as I did so but things becoming worse the pain is shifting towards my left hip area and doctor again prescribed me some more madicines but it doesn't work. Than a minor pain is also felt in the calf area of my left leg and there comes the marriage of my friend and I forget all pain and did a of dace in that party and the pain has now increased very much. I asked my father to take me to the doctor at around 3 am ,in hospital doctor injected a sleeping injection and went for sleep of 1and half day next again injection was injected and I was admitted in hospital for 3 days but all in vain because I was painless just because of painkillers, so many physiotherapy and electrotherapy is been done but pain is still these, doctor suggested that this could to operation of your disk. But than someone told me to go to Prem Bhagat Ji at Shohna Gurgoan haryana India for 100 % relief  I went there and today I am perfectly fine.
To meet him do the following things
*  In India go delhi than to gurgoan and 22 Kms from Rajiv chowk Gurgoan to Sohna and in Sohna  ask any one about Prem Bhagat Ji he is a famous person of gurgoan
* for proper treatment spare a time of atleast 3 days there is proper arrangement of loges and small hotels in Sohna.
* Avoid backward benting.
* Avoid Tea or coffee
* Never sleep on stomach
* Use a fat pillow.
* Never Sleep on hard bed.
* Always look towards earth while walking( slightly bent forward) motive is to create a front curve of boday.

He doesn't charge even asingle penny.
First I was afraid that the precautions written above are totally against a doctor's precaution but the above are the actuall solution he normally see around 400-600 patients in aday.
My problem was not so big but I have seen those people to recover who came there on a wheelchair.

I got 100 % relief thats why I am thanking God by creating this site please share your positive comments.
 Most importantly have faith in GOD.

S Bhardwaj